martes, 5 de enero de 2010

the climb

i can almost see it
that dream i'm dreaming but
there's a voice inside my head sayin
you'll never reach it
every step i'm taking
every move i make feels
lost with no direction
my faith is shaking but i
got to keep trying
got to keep my head held high

there's always going to be another mountain
i'm always going to want to make it move
always going to be an uphill battle
sometimes you going to have to lose
ain't about how fast i get there
ain't about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb

the struggles i'm facing
the chances i'm taking
sometimes they knock me down but
no i'm not breaking
i may not know it
but these are the moments that
i'm going to remember most yeah
just got to keep going
and i, i got to be strong
just keep pushing on, cause

there's always going to be another mountain
i'm always going to want to make it move
always going to be an uphill battle
sometimes i'm going to have to lose
ain't about how fast i get there
ain't about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb

there's always going to be another mountain
i'm always going to want to make it move
always going to be an uphill battle,
sometimes you going to have to lose,
ain't about how fast i get there,
ain't about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb

keep on moving
keep climbing
keep the faith baby
it's all about
it's all about
the climb
keep the faith
keep your faith..

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010


es gracioso como todo va tomando un camino, vamos formando nuestro destino kien sabe si bien o mal, nada esta mal en realidad, es solo un camino dentro del laberinto dado. uno escoge la bifurcacion q cree q mejor funciona y ahi esta uno, caminando, corriendo, saltando, tomando un descanso en el largo camino, cayendose o encontrandose con kien sabe q cosas en ese camino q distraen, nos hacen cambiar de rumbo o nos hacen kerer seguir adelante con mas ganas aun. hay de todo. es divertido poder coger las piedras del camino, y hay mucho en ese bosque enorme que uno no esperaba encontrar. me alegra estar llena de tierra en las zapatillas, me gusta haber caminado lo suficiente como para estar segura de q por lo menos mi caminito no esta mal del todo. creo q vamos bien, vamos bien..